


The Core-Max® Odyssey with Rigid Thermoplastic Back Panel is ideal for children with moderate to severe Hypotonia.

The Core-Max® Odyssey is a lightweight pediatric TLSO that includes a thoraco-lumbar, aquaplast back panel.  The panel has bilateral “wings” that hug the wearer and provide lateral support. The TLSO incorporates all the benefits of a traditional SPIO® orthotic by providing postural/spinal support while still permitting the recruitment and development of core strength.


· Provides supportive protective shell, reduces movement

· Extends from the Sacrococcygeal junction and terminates just inferior to the Scapular spine

· Soft anterior apron with velcro straps and closures

· Heat conductive 1/8 inch thermoplastic, between two layers of breathable neoprene

· Maintains a uniform smooth outer surface when shaping

· Graded sizing available

Instructions for Use:


1. Remove from packaging.

2. Remove Thermoplastic Back Panel from the Lycra front panel.

3. Heating options:

· Hydrocollator or hot water at185F

· 220F infrared oven for 10 minutes

· Microwave oven at short10 second intervals (anymore and the product will burn)

· Clothing Iron set to medium temperature

· Clothing steamer


· Check the back panel often, turning it over each time.

· Do not leave back panel unattended while heating.

5. When heating is complete check the inside of back panel to be sure there are no hot spots before applying it to patient.

6. Keep patient in desired position until back panel cools and hardens. An ice bag may be used to accelerate cooling of the thermoplastic.

7. Once set, remove from patient and allow 15 minutes to completely harden.

8. If the correct fit is not obtained, remove the product and repeat above procedures or spot treat specific areas with an iron set to medium.

  • Double Layer Lycra/Nylon Fabric
  • Microperforated Neoprene
  • 1" Hook and Loop
  • 100% Latex-Free
  • Thermoplastic Back Panel
  • Available Colors: Black
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