International Orders

If you are interested in purchasing a SPIO, and you live in one of the countries listed below, you must order through the approved vendor that is listed for your country.  If your country is not listed, create an account with us and place your order online.  The shipping cost will be quoted at checkout.


International SPIO vendors:

Ortopedia & Rehabilitacion (Argentina)

Milestones Therapy (Australia)

Remington Medical (Canada)

Up and Go (Chile)

Fisio Depot (Costa Rica)

Bandagist Jan Nielsen A/S (Denmark)

Tervise Abi (Estonia)

Protheseus O&P (Germany)

Rehab Care (Greece)

Sher (Hungary)

Shani Moritz (Israel)

Creha Riabilitazione (Italy)

@Therapy (New Zealand)

Stanley (Poland)

Sensory Souk (Qatar)

Podotech (Slovakia)

Orthoactive (South Africa)

Sensory Smart (UK)



SPIO is just a click or call away if you require further assistance.


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